

OS202 - johanessteven19 - Updated Weekly throughout the semester!

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Top 10 List of Week 00

  1. Useful resources to reference:
  2. Remember to log your activities every week.
    Logs are checked every Monday. Log codes are provided here.

  3. Questions are asked through e-mail or SCeLE forums.
    WhatsApp Group are mostly for announcements. Email questions should start with the subject [HELP].

  4. ZOOM meeting every Tuesday.
    Meeting codes are provided at the OS SCeLE course page. Meeting starts at 08.00 - 09.40 AM.

  5. Thursday mornings are “Assignment Days”.
    No ZOOM meetings. The time is reserved for students to do weekly assignments.

  6. The role of operating systems:
    It is a piece of software that manages a computer’s hardware. It also acts as the basis for all application programs and the intermediary between the user and the hardware.
    • Source: Silberschatz’s Operating System Concepts: 10th Edition.
  7. Computer systems:
    Can be roughly divided into four distinct parts: the hardware (CPU, memory, I/O devices), the operating system, the application programs (e.g: Notepad, Microsoft Word, etc.), and the user (you).
    • Source: Silberschatz’s Operating System Concepts: 10th Edition.
  8. Grades are achieved through weekly assignments.
    No mid term tests, no final tests.

  9. Weekly checklists are provided at the end of every slide.
    Also provided here.

  10. Checklist 00:
    Create GitHub page.
    Course Registration.
    Week 00 Log.